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Our Amazon Wishlist enables you to buy gifts for our dogs that you know that we need. Simply purchase the item via Amazon and it will be delivered directly to us. It’s very exciting when things we really need just turn up in the post. Please let us know what you have sent so we can thank you properly!
Have a look at our page on Ebay. You can buy or sell items with some or all of the proceeds coming directly to us, or you can choose us as your favourite charity. Around Christmas, you can also buy our Christmas cards and Calendars on Ebay.
Easy fundraising is exactly that! Whenever you shop online with big retailers like Amazon, M&S, Tesco, John Lewis etc, simply sign into Easy Fundraising first, and the retailer will make a donation to us. It costs you absolutely nothing!
Dogs for adoption
Sweep (1)’s a young boy at approximately 2 – 5 year(s) old. Sweep is ready for his new home, he is young and needs a calm environment and long country walks
Sweep is young and energetic, he is looking for a home where he can have plenty of walks in quiet areas and with someone who will keep him calm
Sweep is good on a lead but at just 2 years old he is still learning so he does need someone with experience of young collies.
Sweep is fine with other dogs but because he needs time spending keeping him calm and settled he can only be homed as an only dog with and older calm one. No cats or children, although he is gentle natured children living in the home would over excite him.